Thursday, August 1, 2019
Stop Small Hands from Working in Factories
Like other problems India facing today, biz. Poverty. Illiteracy, malnutrition etc, child labor is also a big threat to the nation and it Is practices in many parts of the country. Though gobos, both central as well as states, have been pushing for the various polices/programmer to cease ‘child-labor', the success story so far Is not so good if we see UN reports. At present, to deal with ‘child labor' problem,we have Child Labor prevention Act, some policies like Right To Education etc, but due to poor infrastructure and absence of proper blue print the policies remain on paper.Education is still distinct dream for many children. Gobo schools are poorly funded, they do not have required number of teachers and so do not student, they do not have science laboratories, rand-day meal Is not provided in many schools. Some schools do not even have toilet facilities which Is the reason of low number of female students. And the ‘child labor' is practices mostly in those par ts of the country, from where schools possess above properties. But to my mind lack of availability of education is not the only reason of ‘child labor' other than poverty.Apart from poverty and illiteracy, idealism, migration, malnutrition too play a very Important role to Increase the number of child labors. Most of the child labors from our country are Dallas, marginal's and alienated. Along with being dalai they are poor as well as illiterate. Also many child labors are baggers' who do not have their own shelter (unfortunately, in India,there are no laws which will cover baggers). So the number of child laborers are more in those parts of the country where idealism is practices strongly and they have more number of industries.For example, states like Arioso, Shorthand are resource, minerals rich so there Is greater number of industries, and also idealism Is practices more in these states, hence result of which Is more number of child labors. Another ex Is of Tamil Nadia, w here idealism is practices and hence we can find more child labors working in bad safety conditions of fire works industries. Just like idealism, migration is again another reason p, which couples with poverty, force children to work as labor to fulfill their basic livelihoods. So In a country like India, which Is such a diverse country, problems also show verse nature.Hence approach to every single problem to solve should be Inclusive. So to stop child labor, only RET or Child labor prevention Act are not sufficient but gobos should also look at the implementation of the other important schemes like MANAGER, various pension schemes(including students scholarship) etcÃ'› they have to work to stop migration, they have to stop malnutrition, hunger by creating necessary Infrastructure to deal with, increasing efficacy In systems and creating awareness among people. Stop Small Hands from Working in Factories By Similarities Like other problems India facing today, biz. Every, illiterac y, malnutrition etc, child labor is also a big threat to the nation and it is practices in many parts of the various policies/programmer to cease ‘child-labor', the success story so far is not so have science laboratories, mid-day meal is not provided in many schools. Some schools do not even have toilet facilities which is the reason of low number of female too play a very important role to increase the number of child labors. Most of the child labors from our country are dalais, marginal's and alienated. Along with being dalai they are poor as well as illiterate.Also many child labors are ‘baggers' who do not have their own shelter (unfortunately, in India,there are no laws which there is greater number of industries, and also idealism is practices more in these states, hence result of which is more number of child labors. Another ex is of Tamil So in a country like India, which is such a diverse country, problems also show diverse nature. Hence approach to every singl e problem to solve should be inclusive. MANAGER, various pension schemes(including students scholarship) etc. , they have necessary infrastructure to deal with, increasing efficacy in systems and creating
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