The Plot and Sub-Plot of The Crucible Act One --The play opens in the family line of Parris the local reverend, his daughter Betty is unconscious in bed. -- Believing that his daughters malady is some liaison to do with witchcraft he has sent for Reverend tie in to come and help the situation. -- It is revealed that Betty fell ill afterwards universe caught dancing in the woods by her father. She is utter to hand been with her seventeen year old cousin Abigail (who is strip and victuals with them), and also Tituba who is their slave from Barbados. --Thomas and Ann Putnam enter. They inform Parris that their daughter commiseration has fall ill after Ann had sent her to Tituba whom they believe whoremonger chat to the dead. -- Abigail is unexpended alone to speak to bloody shame warren and compassion Lewis who are the slaves of Putnams and the Proctors. She threatens them non to say any thing other(a) than that they danced and conjured Ruths dead sisters. -- hind end Proctor enters to send Mary home. When left alone Abigail confesses to him that there is no witchcraft involved. -- We go bad that John and Abigail have had an affair when she used to work for him and his wife. --Betty wakes and starts to wow when she hears sing being sung.

Everyone thinks that she cannot bear to hear the lords name because she is have by the devil. --Rebecca Nurse and Giles Corey enter, both well respected members of the village. Rebecca claims that Betty is not in reality ill. -- Reverend John Hale enters. Parris tells him close how he put the girls dancing. -- Hale proceeds to question Abig ail and asks her if she has change her soul! to the devil. To which Abigail responds by placing all the... If you want to get a full essay, determine it on our website:
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